4 ways to defind data types of JavaScript
There are 4 ways to defind data types of JavaScript: 1. typeof, 2. instance of, 3. Object.prototype.toString.call(), 4. constructor. hope this helps.
JavaScript data typesJavaScript has 8 built-in types, expecting object, they are all called “basic type”. Which are:
1. typeoftypeof is not a function but a operator, it returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand, includes number, boolean, symbol, string, object, undefined, ...
Different of map() and forEach() (Part.1)
Most famous methods of JavaScript map and forEach, they are existing since ECMAScript 5 (es5).
In this artical, I will put out the major different between JavaScript methods map() and forEach() by some useful examples.
What is map() and forEach()map() and forEach() are included in Array.prototype.
We used to looping through an array like this:
1234567let array = ['1', '2', '3']for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) { console.log(Number(array[i]));}//1//2//3
for() loop is t ...
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